Buy your items

Enter your details, choose the payment method and proceed with the purchase
The cost of shipping varies depending on the country and the number of items

Complete the order in 4 steps

1Discount area
If you have a discount code, enter here
There is a8% discount for orders from abroad by entering the code "coccowo"
Nessuno sconto attivo. / No discount applied
2Billing data
3Expedition address
4Review the articles
Cart total 0,00 €
Discount applied 0,00 €
Expedition costs 0,00 €
Order total 0,00 €
5Select the payment method

  • Oops, we haven't provided shipping to your country. Send us your request anyway, we will contact you directly for a complete quote for shipping costs and to give you information on the correct way to execute the order.

General purchase information

Our payment conditions, returns, complaints and shipping terms can be consulted at the following addresses:
Information request
Do you want information about the company? click to call or send us your request by filling out the form